Prayer underpins the life and ministry of All Saints. We believe that the Lord means what He says when he encourages us to pray and believe Him for results, in accordance with His word.

In addition to the public intercessions led each week by different members of the congregation, we have a dedicated Prayer Ministry Team that will be eager and willing to pray with you personally at the end of each Sunday service (and also during Holy Communion). Please feel free to come forward and ask for prayer for yourselves and your loved ones, whether it be for spiritual growth, health concerns, relationships, work and family issues and indeed for all the variety of challenges we face in our daily lives.
In addition, you can always send us a prayer request by e-mail and the All Saints Prayer Ministry Team will gladly support you in prayer. You are not alone and we would be honoured to stand by your side in intercession. The e-mail address for this has changed in April 2023 and so please, in the future, use in order to send us your requests.

Another vital part of our church prayer life takes place every Tuesday and Thursday morning at 7.30 a.m. when some members of the church congregation meet together on Zoom to pray for the needs and activities of the church as well as for events going on in the wider world. This is a wonderful and uplifting way to start the day and so please feel free to join us whenever you are free. For the Zoom links please contact the Church Administrator (

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