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Sermon Topic –  The Lord’s Prayer – Forgive us our Trespasses…

Photo by Rick Schroeppel on https://www.istockphoto.com/

We all need forgiveness. All have sinned and fallen short, but we have the privilege living within a culture where the forgiveness of God is taken for granted. But forgiveness neither simple nor easy. It is incredibly costly, as any of us who have tried to forgive someone know. And yet Jesus simply teaches us to pray ‘forgive us our sins’ without any mention of the enormous cost that he will pay to make that possible. It is a gift freely given, but it cost him everything to give. Never take forgiveness for granted.

This week as you continue to pray the Lords prayer day by day, pause at this line, and recognise the need you have for forgiveness, but also the lengths that God has gone to make that possible. In humility and faith give thanks for God’s boundless mercy earned by Jesus..

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