Welcome to All Saints. We are a lively and growing international Anglican church in Vevey, Switzerland.

We have been serving the English speaking community here since 1882. We are a church family of many nations,  representing many denominations. We seek to know Jesus Christ, to worship him and make him known. You will discover excellent music, thoughtful biblical preaching, a large and diverse caring community. We have excellent children and young people’s work and ministry for all ages and stages of life. Come along, we would love to welcome you to worship with us.



Latest News

Good morning – my name is Emily, and I’m member of the church council here…

Easter is fast approaching, and we are setting out on the great  journey through Holy…


In common with the rest of the Diocese in Europe, we have robust procedures to ensure the safety of young children and vulnerable adults.  Our Safeguarding Officer is Claire Daglish who can be contacted on safeguardingofficer@allsaints.ch. Please contact her with any safeguarding queries or concerns.


All Saints offers various courses for you to grow in your Christian Faith

Youth Ministry

All Saints offers various events for youth to grow in your Christian Faith

All Saints is an Anglican church within the Diocese in Europe. We are a member of the Federation of Anglican and Old Catholic Churches in the Canton de Vaud (FACCV).