The Sethule Trust was established in Zimbabwe in 2006 by our very own Michael & Tabbeth Cotton, is a Christian charity that does wonderful work and supports orphans and children in need. Sethule shares the message of Christ to families while providing crucial assistance, education and sustenance. We’re very proud to partner with them. The…
Easter is fast approaching, and we are setting out on the great journey through Holy Week, from the joy of Palm Sunday, through the darkness of Good Friday to the glory of Easter Morning.
Good morning – my name is Emily, and I’m member of the church council here at All Saints. I’ve been asked to share a message with you about financial giving at church, and to tell you a little bit about why I give to All Saints. I’d like to start by telling you a story….
In common with the rest of the Diocese in Europe, we have robust procedures to ensure the safety of young children and vulnerable adults. Our new Safeguarding Officer is Claire Daglish who can be contacted by filling in an online form here. Please contact her with any safeguarding queries or concerns. Our two Safeguarding Assistant…
This Sunday is our Morning Prayer service where our Chaplain, Rev Mark Fletcher, will be preaching.
In general, on a Sunday morning, we try to keep the Church Carpark free for the older members of All Saints as well as families with babies or disabled members. The Church Council is aiming to provide two parking spaces in the Church Carpark for people with disabilities. Currently one space (by the Church Hall)…
Little Arrows, the Toddler group at All Saints, meets every Wednesday and Thursday morning from 09h45 to 11h30 starting on the 17th and 18th January. Please contact the Church Administrator,, if you would like more information about joining this group in the Winter term. If you have a heart to help welcome mums and…
Blonay and Villars Small Groups are all meeting in person and anyone can join. For more information please contact our Church Administrator The Wednesday Small group meets In Person at All Saints every Wednesday evening at 20h00. For more information please contact our Church Administrator The Leysin Small Group is meeting in person…