Exploring and Growing in the Christian Faith
Coming Up
The Alpha Course
The Alpha Course has been run all over the world and millions of people have found it a wonderful and simple way to explore life, faith and meaning. A shared meal, a short film, an open discussion and a great evening. Our next course starts on 14th March. Find out more and sign up here
The Marriage Preparation Course
The Marriage Preparation Course is for any engaged couple who wants to develop foundations for a healthy marriage that will last a lifetime. For more information go to the Marriage Preparation Course website or contact us.
The Marriage Course (Online)
The Marriage Course, created by Nicky & Sila Lee, is a series of seven sessions, designed to help couples invest in their relationship and build a strong marriage. The online course runs exactly as it would be if you were attending in person, except that you will be able to do so from the comfort of your own home – where you can replicate your own date night:
- Each session lasts for 1 hour 55 minutes, half of which will be for your conversations.
- The films will be available online and you will be given access when you register for the course.
- Don’t forget the candles, snacks, drinks, older kids in another room and the younger ones in bed. Try to make it feel as special as possible.
You can begin the course whenever you like, and it will run for 7 consecutive weeks.
For more information go to the Marriage Course website or contact us.

Parenting 0 to 10’s
The Parenting the 0-10s course covers:
Building strong foundations
Meeting our children’s needs
Setting boundaries
Teaching healthy relationships
Our long-term aim
The course involves video based talks, followed by time to discuss and share ideas.
For any further information or to sign up, do feel free to contact us: Jeremy and Claire Daglish: via contact us.
And also
Online Alpha Course
24 million people around the world have now done the Alpha Course. It’s an opportunity to ask deep questions, and explore Christianity’s answers, in a friendly and relaxed environment. Normally there are usually 10 sessions, with a day in the middle. Each evening begins with food, followed by a talk looking at a different aspect of the Christian faith, and time for discussion in your small group.
For more information, contact Mark Jones, via contact us.
We’re very conscious that different people are at different stages in their search for meaning. If you think that Alpha sounds a step beyond where you’re at, why not consider coming to Agnostics Anonymous.
There’s no charge to do the course.
Agnostics Anonymous
Agnostics Anonymous is the tongue in cheek name being given to a discussion forum held from time to time. It is intended to be an informal discussion group which aims to address in depth some of the most commonly asked questions about the Christian Faith. It runs for approximately 6 weeks. A maximum of 10 places are available. Some of the areas of discussion include the following questions, although others are most welcome.
- How do I know what I know?
- Christianity & Science – friends or foes?
- The Problem of Pain, Suffering & Evil
- Christianity and other world Faiths
- Christianity and Human Sexuality
- The reliability of the Bible
- The Church
The Family Time Parenting Course
This course is for parents with children aged 0-12 years old who are either just starting out and looking for direction on how to begin or those parents who are seeking fresh input into their parenting. It helps parents take time out to reflect and gain inspiration from others, as well as finding a fresh vision for their family. Our desire is that everyone who does the course discovers how to raise their families confidently and in an atmosphere of fun. For more information contact us or Jeremy and Claire Daglish (claire.daglish@c3db.com).
Family Time Parenting Teenagers
This course provides a wonderful opportunity for parents to connect with other parents facing similar issues through the teenage years, offering space to take a fresh look at our parenting, the relationship we have built with our children and how we can help that to grow. Family Time Parenting Teenagers is for all parents wanting to retain a guiding hand in their teenagers’ lives, while learning to give them the space they need to stretch their wings and fly.
Subjects covered are include:
o Keeping your long term aim in mind
o Meeting your teenager’s needs
o Setting clear boundaries
o Developing emotional health
o Helping them make good choices
The course is ideally suited to parents of children aged between 11-18.
For more information contact us.