Prayer Activities

Prayers in the Morning

All are welcome to join other members of the Church family via Zoom from 07h30 – 08h00 on Tuesdays and Thursdays to pray for both our Church and for the wider world.   Contact us on to get connected.

Prayer Ministry

As Christians,  we find hope in our risen Lord who walks with us through life’s storms, and we are glad that we can always turn to Him 24/7!   We can pray alone anytime, but we can also draw strength and encouragement from one another. Many of us can vouch from personal experience that it is sometimes really helpful to have another Christian brother and sister to pray with us.  This is always possible on Sunday mornings by coming up for prayer after the services with our Prayer Ministry Team.

In addition, you are welcome to send in prayer requests by e-mail to and the members of our Prayer Ministry Team will be ready and waiting to support you through our intercessions.