Our Youth Pastor, Calen Gayle, delivered an inspiring reflection on the Holy Spirit, “Power Up”. Click on the Audio button above to listen again.

Sermon Topic –  Power Up

We need to be recharged.
We don’t have all the love we should have
We need to be shocked out of our complacency and back into a world that needs hope like we do
And that’s why there’s the Wind, the Fire, the Dove
Because being good and being God are not the same
Because we want to be witnesses, but we need the power to be good ones
He promised us power– not so we could rule the world, but so we could stand and share even when it’s hard, even when we’re worn
Power is not the pushy sort: it is that amazing Presence of the One who never leaves even when you think he’s not there, the One whose glory brings healing and wholeness, but whose grace is enough for our burdens and brokenness
We need that power: and that Power wants us.

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