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Sermon Topic –  The Lord’s Prayer – Lead us not into temptation

The next line in the Lord’s prayers is often misunderstand because the word temptation has rather changed its meaning in the modern world. In the Bible temptation is a time of testing and trial – like for example Jesus being led into the wilderness. The people of God have often faced these times of trial, and many are facing real persecution right now. Terrible as that can be, God is faithful even in the darkest times, and our faith which is more precious than gold can be refined and shine more brightly. And by faith we discover that our lives and our struggles are caught up in Gods story. So if you are going through hard times right now remember that all the greatest stories have times of doubt and fear, but the heroes are the ones who keep going and fight for what is good. This week as you pray the Lord’s Prayer, pause at this verse pray for Christians around the world who are going through times of trial right now, that they might be delivered from evil. And pray for ourselves that in whatever we are going through our faith might shine more brightly and we might work together for that day when evil is finally overcome.

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