Sermon Topic – The Lord’s Prayer – Thy Will Be Done
This world can be a cacophony of voices demanding their own way. So to learn to pray ‘Thy will be done’ is a revolutionary act, and to say to God ‘not my will but yours’ is in many ways what it means to become Christian. It is choosing God’s will for your life, confident that your loving Heavenly Father knows what best for you for more than you do. But more than that we are taught to pray that we might see earth become like heaven. It is striking that for Jesus the important thing is not going to heaven when you die, but seeing the will of God done on earth as it is in heaven.
How is your daily prayer going? Have you started to notice the difference as you start or end our days by orienting ourselves towards God, and seeking his presence? This is the gentle process of discipleship, of ordering our life as God would have it, and the Spirit of God renewing your heart and mind. Keep going!