Photo by Martin Maegli
Easter is the greatest celebration in the Church year, as we celebrate the turning point in history. It is a journey through darkness to light, from the pain and betrayal of the Passion of Jesus to the joy of Easter Morning. Here are some highlights

Palm Sunday – 10.30am Jesus rides into Jerusalem on a donkey as the crowds sing ‘Hosanna to the king of kings’

Maundy Thursday – 7pm Named after the Latin Mandatum – from Jesus ‘A new commandment I give to you, love one another as I have loved you’ and a commemoration of the last supper

Good Friday – 7pm the most solemn day of the year, we mark it with a ‘Service of Shadows’ – a service of readings and reflection as the sun sets and the world enters into darkness.

Easter Sunday – 7.30am Dawn Service at the lakeside, La Tour-de-Peilz harbour (Google maps)
10.30am Easter Celebration with Holy Communion  Life and love triumph over sin and death. New life starts now. The greatest moment in history.

Christ of Saint John of the Cross, Painting by Salvador Dalí (c) CSG CIC Glasgow Museums Collection