Mission Partners
Every Christian is a Missionary and every Christian has a Mission. That mission field may well be the office we work in or at home being a full time parent or the places we socialise. However we recognize that mission opportunities arise, which, if they are to be realized fully, need people to leave paid employment and be supported prayerfully, financially and practically by the local church. All Saints’ has a number of such mission partners who are either home grown or are involved with outreach to English language people throughout the world. To find out more, please see details of our long term and short term mission partners.Long Term Partners
Sethule Orphans Trust
In the poor, arid region of western Zimbabwe HIV/AIDS, economic problems and migration have lead to the collapse of the traditional rural African life. This affects mainly orphans, and in Zimbabwe 1 in 6 children has lost one or both parents.
Sethule Orphans Trust was founded in 2005 as a response to this situation and its’ continuing activities are providing hope and a future for orphans. In particular by:
- Providing homes with grandparents who have themselves lost their own children
- Education of the orphans in early development centres and schools, and bereavment counselling
- A feeding programme for children under 5 years
Mrs Thabbeth Cotton is the director of Sethule Orphans Trust based in the UK. She is married to Michael and has two children.
Richard & Karen Bradford at L’Abri Switzerland
Richard and Karen Bradford have served as staff members of L’Abri Community based in Huémoz, Switzerland since 2001, where Richard is now Director. They were married in 1994 in British Columbia, Canada and have two children, Alexis and Simon.
Richard was born in Toronto and raised in a number of places around Southern Ontario. He completed his undergraduate degree in philosophy at Trinity Western University and his Master’s degree at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario. Richard spent quite a few years painting houses before completing his education.
Karen was born and raised in Salmon Arm, British Columbia. Karen has completed a number of college diploma courses. For three years she ran her own massage therapy clinic in Vancouver. She attended L’Abri as a student in 1993 and returned with Richard, Alexis and Simon in January 2000.
L’Abri is a French word best translated into English as “The Shelter”. It was established in 1955 by Francis and Edith Schaeffer, who opened their chalet/home to those who were seeking answers to life’s many questions.
Today Christians continue to need to know how to navigate through the high degree of confusion to clearer thinking and living for the sake of Christ and L’Abri continues to be dedicated to helping provide a community where questions and problems about God and life can be discussed rationally and answers sought.
Aaron and Katrina Fortune at L’Abri Switzerland
As mission partners, Katrina and Aaron Fortune work alongside a small team at L’Abri Fellowship in Huémoz.
Work at L’Abri centers around inviting people from different backgrounds into our daily lives, making room for their stories and questions regarding faith and life. L’Abri students are often in transitional times of their life: they may be between jobs or homes, have experienced loss, or aren’t sure what they want to do next. Some seek a place of rest and connection with others, while some struggle with big questions: “What does God want me to do with my life?” “Can God be trusted?” “How am I to interpret the Bible?”
What life looks like for L’Abri students is structured around days that are split in to two parts with a time for self-directed study every day,as well as a shared time of work on community tasks.
Katrina and Aaron’s role in all of this is provide teaching every week and lead regular group discussions (among other organizational responsibilities). Their work also involves meeting with long-term students on a weekly basis, accompanying them through this season of their lives. This sort of work looks different every day, and L’Abri work keeps you on your toes, as there are many surprises when working in hospitality!
Intercontinental Church Society
Richard Bromley is the Mission Director of ICS which stands for Intercontinental Church Society.
The calling of ICS is to mission and ministry to English speaking people. The organization takes the Good News of Jesus Christ to English speaking people all around the world, through chaplaincies, both seasonally to tourists and permanently to key locations.
ICS is responsible for the appointment of clergy where ICS has a right to appoint. Elsewhere ICS supports churches to enable them to reach out to the communities they are in. ICS also hosts a yearly conference for all the chaplains located in different places in the world.
ICS provides a termly prayer letter called ICS News which is excellent and available on request. You can watch a video here outlining their work.
On the ICS website you will find daily prayer points and up to the minute prayer news and requests. This should allow you to pray for ICS more intelligently ad frequently. It can be found on the following site: www.ics-uk.org The Twitter feed is @interchsoc where the update news and prayer needs are posted.
All Saints supports the work of Medair, an international humanitarian organisation inspired by the Christian faith with its headquarters in Lausanne, Switzerland. This support is through financial giving and through members of the congregation who are employed at Medair’s headquarters and working in the field.
Medair works around the world in emergency relief and recovery. For general information regarding Medair please access medair.org. To be connected with those at All Saints who work for Medair please contact admin@allsaints.ch.
A Rocha
Ursula Peutot is our most recent addition to our Mission Partners. She is the Executive Director of Arocha Switzerland.
A Rocha is a Christian charity working for the protection and restoration of the natural world and committed to equipping Christians and churches to care for the environment. A Rocha is present in 24 countries. Our first initiative was a field study centre in Portugal, and so our name is Portuguese and means ‘The Rock’.
In Switzerland A Rocha carries out carry out monitoring of biodiversity in the dry and humid fields and meadows which have a high value for wildlife. We also carry out conservation work with local famers through groups of volunteers to help restore the fauna and flora in these habitats.
A new project (Jardin Paradis Vivant) to help individuals and families care for their gardens and promote biodiversity has started at the end of 2020 with training courses and personalized coaching by our biologist Gabriela: ideally for groups of 4- 5 garden owners in a same area wanting to rewild their gardens.
We work closely with churches and Christian organization to provide awareness and support in terms of creation care and have started a new project in Switzerland base on A Rocha UK’s Eco church scheme called EcoEglise (www.ecoeglise.ch).
We also focus on bringing awareness and educating on environment issues. We organize kids camps in the summer and are present at large events to promote care for our planet and all of creation. We participate in various publications and this included the preparation of a declaration for urgent Christian action facing climate change.
We are also starting a new local group for Riviera-Chablais with possibilities to participate in clean-ups, nature observation walks and activities around creation care, building friendships and community.
For more information on A Rocha, click here.
Short Term Partners
None at the moment
Currently there are no short term Mission Partners at All Saints.