Lent starts early this year – it is on February 15th.  It is a lovely season for a change of pace, to simplify life and make space for prayer and quiet. And an excellent discipline to help you with that is a good Lent book.

So we will begin the season with an Ash Wednesday Service at 7pm at All Saints.

This Lent I am reading ‘Practicing the Way’, by John Mark Comer – (author of ‘The ruthless elimination of Hurry’). It is an new introduction to some ancient spiritual disciplines such as Sabbath, Prayer, Solitude, and how they can help us root ourselves in God, and find the peace and restoration that he brings. Perhaps you would like to join me? It is available as an ebook here, and also in hardcover or even audiobook



You are invited to join with us by praying our Lent prayer each day.
And then below are a variety of suggestions of things you might like to consider doing this lent.

And then if you would like to go further, here are some more ideas for Lent


Instead of giving up chocolate, how about cutting down on screen time, starting and ending the day with something more healthy than phone screens, social media and so on.

Ideas to Connect with God’s creation over Lent –  Lenten-resources from A Rocha


Lectio 365 is a smartphone app that provides a reflective pattern of daily prayer. It is gentle, biblical and spiritually nourishing – a great way to start or end the day. You can find out more and download the app here

Daily Bible reading Plan

Lent for Everyone N.T. Wright

The Bible Society –  Lent Encounter

Family Lent Activity

There is a lovely set of daily Lenten practices for families here