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Sermon Topic –  The Lord’s Prayer

Photo by AnastasiosIcons https://www.etsy.com/au/listing/1188537419/jesus-praying-o-christos-proseuchomenos?fbclid=IwAR1jJyvWg_MjYaTSDZCjSOIUTT5zDMFcAP5ZsVD-gbnoZx308lTTkZPQ2sI
The prayer that Jesus taught is so familiar that we can easily miss how profound it is. It is simple enough for a child to learn and yet it is rich, beautifully crafted and poetic in form, and cosmic in its scope. It is an insight into the heart of Jesus, and it lifts us beyond ourselves and raise our eyes to see a bigger world. Like tuning an old radio it helps us to cut out the static and tune into the music of God.
Over these coming weeks we will be looking afresh at this wonderful old prayer, and I am challenging us all to find a moment at the beginning or the end of each day to pray the Lord’s Prayer, to be still with it and allow it to do its work, and I am confident that it will be change us for the better and make us more conscious of the loving presence of God.
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