Picture of the Chaplain

Sermon Topic –  Jesus and the woman at the well

In this lovely story of Jesus and woman at the well there is a suggestion that those who seem furthest away from God are sometimes actually very close, and that those who have wandered furthest are often most aware of what they have lost. The samaritan woman is someone who others judge and exclude, someone who is shunned and isolated, but who is ultimately someone to whom Jesus offers living water that will satisfy her thirsty soul. And this is a wonderful picture of Jesus as one who goes beyond the boundaries of culture tradition and morality to shine light into the darkness of peoples lives. And he make that same invitation to us – whoever we are, wherever we have been; ask and I will give you living water that will well up to eternal life.

To listen to the sermon at All Saints, Vevey click here or at Saint Peters Anglican Church, Château d’Oex, click here.

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