Sermon Topic –  The wedding at Cana (John 2:1-10)

John’s gospel cuts dramatically from the big picture of the vastness of the universe and themes of light and darkness to something much more down to earth – a very human story about a wedding that almost goes very badly wrong, if it weren’t for Jesus (and his mother). And what we are given is a lovely picture of what it looks like for the light to shine into the darkness. And perhaps we know how that feels, because often like at this wedding, our wine can seem to run out, whether through the struggles of life, or through our mistakes or failures. And John invites us to say to Jesus ‘I have no more wine’, that is to say I can’t do this by myself. And no matter how bad things might seem, better times can lie because Jesus saves the the best till last.

To listen to the sermon by Revd Mark Fletcher at Saint Peter’s Anglican Church, Château d’Oex, click here.

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